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Thursday, June 23, 2005
We can officially be parents!
Yesterday I received the best birthday gift, short of actually holding Sasha in my arms. We got home from dinner last night and in the mailbox was our 171-H letter! This is the letter that states we can officially be parents to an orphan. In otherwords our permit to be parents. This is the 1 piece of paper we have waited 15 weeks to get, pay hundreds of dollars for and agonize over. The only personalization of this piece of paper is our names, the date the application it was filed and the date issued, that we could adopt 1 or 2 children and then an initial at the bottom. It doesn't say much. I don't care! I am just happy we have it!
Now if we can only find the way to come up with the money to file the final paperwork...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
HI, Uncle Tom and I are so excited for you. I wish that we could help you with the money that you need to finish the adoption. But God will provide and the money will come soon, I am sure. Love to you both. Aunt Jan