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Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Incredible News!
For those of you who haven't heard, Lisa and I received our referral! We officially have a son. The most the I can tell you is that he is located in the Khabarovsk region and that he is absolutely adorable. Of course I'm not biased or anything :) Unfortunately due the privacy agreement with Russia and the agency, we can't post his picture or give out many details yet. When we can, be assured that we will get some pictures up on this site.
As it stands right now, we will be in Russia to visit him and officially apply for the adoption June 1st through June 4th. It takes 2 days (because of layovers and that pesky dateline) to get from here to Khabarovsk. So in all likelihood we will be leaving May 30th. Between now and then we will be packing, praying, worrying, and getting more excited by the day. We ask you all for prayers for safe travel, for our son and for his caretakers at the orphanage. I will post more details as they become available.
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