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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Barbecue Cook-off
This is an invitation to all of you in the Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia area!! On August 27th at 12:30 we will be hosting a Barbecue Cook-off and Bake-off. The event will be at St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows. So what excactly constitutes a Barbecue Cook-off? Well here is how it works.
You have 1 of 2 options...
Option #1 - Be a contestant. We are still seeking people to be our contestants. You don't have to be a world famous chef! Anyone can participate. As a contestant you can sign up for 1 of 3 categories, BBQ, Salads, or Pie. You provide the food and BBQ, if applicable. Set up time starts at 9:30 am. The amount of food you provide is up to you. But remember, the more people you feed the better chance of winning.
Option #2 - Be a "judge". All of the guests are judges. Each contestant will have a jar at their station. As a judge you sample all of the food and place money in the jar of the contestant you think is the best. The contestant with the most money wins.

So you want to participate? Just send me an email and let me know. I will send off a registration form and the guidelines. If you want to be a guest join us on the 27th at 12:30.
We are hoping to make this a very successful event. We are very close to our financial goal and this is our last big effort! The best part is as a contestant you get to participate in a fantastic fellowship event and as a guest you get to have a great Barbecue Lunch!

Blessings to you all!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We're IN!! Luv, Dad and Mom :-))!!