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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
What you do when waiting...
I figured I could fill you all in on what kind of stuff we do while waiting for Alexander. Many other adoptive parents are full of advice on what you should do while waiting. They suggest sleeping in as many days as possible, read, take time for yourself, that kind of stuff.
So what have I done? Over the summer I have read quite a few books. I finally had to put down the parenting and adoption books. So 2 of my favorites from the summer read have been, "Life of Pi" and "As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me". Both were great survival stories. The first is about a boy who is trapped in a life boat with a Bengal Tiger. The second is about a man who escapes from a Siberian Labor camp and travels home (walks) to Germany. They are those amazing "against all odds, never give up stories". Can you see I have a theme here?
So the rest of the summer consisted of working in Derek's office, boring...Yes. But is was conducive to the reading. We spent a day at the beach, helped 2 people move, met some new friends and tried to do a little yard work.
My captivity in Derek's office came to an end last week, so now I have to reinvent my time. Yesterday was my first "official" day off and on my own in over 3 months. While in the office I composed a list of stuff I want to get done before Alexander comes home. I was able to cross 3 things off the list yesterday!! I cleaned out and reorganized the pantry (found Girl Scout Cookies and watched the fat cat chase the cookie box around the house), I moved all of our not-so-kid-friendly alcohol up above the refrigerator, which of course required cleaning out above the fridge. I also cleaned out above the stove, always a fun job.
On a side note, I am anxiously waiting for the FedEx man to deliver 5 boxes of fun! I signed up to be an Independent Consultant for Big Yellow Box (BYB). It is a direct sales business from Crayola (tm). Evidently I have a hard time separating myself from Hallmark businesses. I am so excited about this new adventure. I will be doing in home parties and selling BYB products. They are all inclusive craft kits geared toward bringing families together. Check out my website and the stuff at This new business venture will allow me to work from home, earn a little extra money, and give Derek and Alexander a few "guy nights" a week! A win win for all.
Off to do more laundry, sew a duvet cover, and maybe finish 1 or two more items on "the List".
Blessings, Lisa