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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
One more call for prayers...
I really do know that most of you are seriously praying for me, Derek and Sasha. I know this because we would have never gotten this far without you. We really need some postivie thoughts and prayers this week!!!

A quick recap:
June - Travelled to meet Sahsa
Mid June - Russian governement halted all adoptions by non-accredited agencies
July - more news about abuse of Russian adoptees by American parents creating an even bigger anti-American sentiment.
Mid July - got the call to proceed with our medical forms only to have them stopped 3 times
August - no postivie news from our agency since the end of May
September - everyone thinks agencies will get reaccredited on September 15th
September 15th - MoE reaccredits 4 agencies (2 US and 2 foreign)
Mid Sept - Prosecutor General's office issues a statement citing infracitons on the part of nearly all currently reaccredited agencies. MoE issues a rebuttal.
October - Prosecutor General does not like MoE rebuttal and launches an investigation into ALL agencies (accredited and not)
October 13 - we find out AIA has not infractions
Mid October - Our facillitator finally shows a glimmer of hope saying that she is sure the meeting at the end of October will clear everything up and we will be able to move forward.

So lets count... nearly 5 months with no good news, no hope and no baby.

Word from the "Rumor Mill": the MoE is expected to meet October 27th to discuss reaccreditation of the remaining agencies. (of course this date is unconfirmed by our agency)

Today is the 26th of October. That means at about 9:00 tonight (pacific time, about 8:00am in Moscow) the MoE may be meeting to discuss re-accred. Hence the need for prayers. Keep your fingers crossed that we will wake up with fantastic news tomorrow morning!!!!!! Of course last time the MoE reaccredited agencies we didn't hear about it until the following Monday. Let's hope that isn't the case.

Blessings to you all and thanks for your continuing support.