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Friday, January 13, 2006
Go and Vote!!!
I just found out that one of my favorite blogs is up for a Best of Blogs Award. I am completely aware that I have far too much free time on my hands. Please don't take the time to remind me.

So I encourage you all to go vote for mary-mia now!!! M3 is up for a best adoption/ infertillity blog award. She is trailing A little pregnant, which we all know is NOT an adoption blog. And we all know that the really cool people are adopting. Besides, M3 is like me... running far away from anything that has to do with IVF. Good Girl!

So the way this works is go to BoB and scroll down to the bottom of the poll lists, click the button that says "Do they have Salsa in China?" Then click vote. She's just gotta win!
Blogger Rhonda said...
I voted, go M3!