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Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Primetime Live
Ok, this is another call to action (am I becoming an activist? hmmm.) Anyway, I have read today on several of the various adoption boards that Primetime Live is planning on running a story on their Nov 17th show about a Russian girl who was adopted and then forced into child pornography. I can't stress enough how damaging a story about that could be right now. I am asking that you click on the link below and write a message to ABC/Primetime Live encouraging them not to run this story. It is sensationalism and can only hurt those of us waiting. Here is the link:


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have been following your blog for a few months and my heart goes out to you. I keep you in my prayers that things will turn around soon. My husband and I are adopting from Ukraine and also are playing the waiting game. Thank you for the info on Primetime. I immediatly sent them a piece of my mind. God Bless and hope you get good news soon!


Blogger Rhonda said...
I sent in my request to at least delay the broadcast. Hopefully they will listen.